Legion of Warriors

MONDAYS | 7PM – 9PM | ROOM 171

This group is designed to help men get connected with other men. They accomplish that by going through bible studies, prayer, topical studies and talking through life's struggles with other men. This group meets every Monday from 7:00pm - 9:00pm in Room 171

Men For Christ


“Men for Christ” meet weekly to focus on discipleship and how to engage other people with the Gospel in a non-threatening way. Right now, this group is going through Dallas Willard’s book, “The Divine Conspiracy” to equip men to have fruitful conversations with people”.

Friday Morning Men's Prayer Group


Join us every Friday morning at 7:00am in the Sanctuary to pray for the upcoming service and other prayer needs.

Band of Brothers


This group is designed to help men get connected and grow as they go through bible studies, prayer, topical studies and talk through life's struggles with each other. This group meets every Saturday from 7:30am - 9:00am in Meeting Room B

The Workbench

2nd SATURDAY of the month | 7:30 – 10 AM | Church Cafe

This is a time for men who would normally not want to be in a large group setting, but be able to connect with a few guys. There is no agenda during this event other than connecting with other men. Join us the second Saturday of every month from 7:30 - 10 AM.

Art of Marriage

Mondays | 6  – 8 PM | Room 251 | Starting March 10

Every marriage has its strengths and its stresses. There’s not one that can’t be improved, fine-tuned, made stronger — or even overhauled if needed.

In this class, we’ll discover how Art of Marriage is a transformative resource designed to help you explore new levels of intimacy, communication, and connection with your spouse.

Whether you’re a newlywed or have been married for decades, Art of Marriage is your path to a stronger, more beautiful masterpiece of God’s handiwork.


Every Man A Warrior

EMAW is a discipleship/leadership/multiplication movement that helps men succeed in life and win the battles they fight every day that keep us on the sidelines of life. We all have battles. Battles like our relationship with Jesus, marriage, parenting, money, sex, work, hard times and making our lives count.

If you choose to walk through those battles WITH other men, you'll find strength, encouragement and redemption in those areas of your life and watch how God moves in and through you!

Take a risky step and join other men in the battle!

Next launch of groups will happen in September, 2025. Register to get into the group for further instructions.


Mens Newsletter

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