At Southeast Missions we invest our resources to multiply disciples of Jesus amongst the world’s least reached.

Why should I volunteer?

Using Limited Resources Wisely
Mission statistics tell us that more than 98% of all global Church mission giving is spent ‘reaching’ people and people groups that have already been reached, meaning that less than 2% is spent reaching the un-reached. At Southeast, after many years of difficult decisions, and careful partner selections, we’ve reversed those numbers. Now, more than 99% of the mission budget, that portion of our general church budget allocated from your giving, is invested to reach the remaining un-reached and make disciples of all peoples!

Security Concerns

Who do we consider for partnership? Alignment with Southeast Missions requires that organizations fulfill all these 4 criteria before a partnering discussion begin. The mission must be:
1. Growing and multiplying disciples of Jesus.
2. Spending a minimum of 75% of each dollar invested to deliver their programs.
3. Actively equipping and empowering national believers to lead and grow the Church amongst their own peoples and nation.
4. Able to provide evidence of measurable outcomes. These are change and transformation metrics that prove growth as disciples of Jesus amongst their target audience.
We presently invest in 8 mission organizations working to make disciples of Jesus amongst the unreached and satisfy all our filtering criteria. Some of these organizations work in more than 100 nations. When possible, our investments are designated to specific programs at specific locations where the least reached are found. We can share the names of partner organizations who have already made their pages public. These include:
This link below shows a map of the world.
Click here for map
99% of our investments go to reach people groups in the Darkest Red nations on the map, who most urgently need Jesus.

The world of short-term missions is rapidly changing. These trips are still valuable both to us who serve and, as appropriate, those we serve. Given the increased security concerns of our primary partners, we only send short-term teams at their invitation. These teams would provide very specific projects which serve to open doors and further the work of those serving long-term. As these may come available, we will market and recruit locally at Southeast. Again, whether we serve at their locations or not is entirely based on their invitation.
Another significant opportunity to ‘serve internationally’ is to join the work of ministries in the Denver area that focus on refugee and asylee care, our new neighbors that we, as disciples of Jesus, are called to love. Thousands of the world’s refugee and asylee population, from more than 25 nations, are being re-settled within an hour of Southeast. The world of the unreached are coming to us and grateful for care,tutoring, ESL partners, youth sports programs and more. If prompted to serve and love these new neighbors, we recommend 3 Denver based organizations that are actively delivering well designed programs and looking for volunteers: Lutheran Family Services, Project Worthmore, and Restoration Outreach Program.
The world of global missions is rapidly changing. This is great news to celebrate as it is centered around the Global Church taking on new and leading roles – not just the traditional Western Church.
The Western Church has not become redundant, but we do need to re-adjust our roles to intentionally equip, empower and release the maturing indigenous churches and believers to accomplish the Great Commission mandate at a significantly higher level of efficiency while enjoying multi-generational endurance.
We’d love to hear from you and share in more detail about our part in partnering to fulfill the Great Commission! Contact us at missions@southeast.org with any questions you have.